Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Recall Morning- and How I Overcame It

There was a time in my life when I was one of those super perky morning people. The older I get, the later my mornings start, and the less perky they are! So, being woken up at 5:00 in the morning  by a Lieutenant initiating a recall did not make me happy. A call a few minutes later while my husband was in the shower, pretty much locked in the fact that I was up for the day. When I was coming out of the bathroom, the phone rang for the third time. All of these calls came before 5:30! My husband's alarm actually goes off at 5:30, but for someone who usually sleeps until 7:30 or 8, this is just torture. 

Instead of letting it get me angry like it has in the  past, I realized that this is an area in my life that I need to improve. Perhaps being so tired, I was not awake enough for the adrenaline to run through yet. I don't know. This morning I had to remind myself all 3 times that the purpose of the recall is to make sure that in case of an emergency, everyone in my husband's Squadron, or the entire base, if need be, can be contacted and can quickly return to base. It is a practice. Like all the years of sports that I played. Or practicing for a swim meet, or a horse show. 

I decided this morning to make a military support pendant to help remind me of why my husband  is in the military, and why these early morning calls should make me proud to be his wife, rather than angry at the early rising. 

It turned out a bit bigger than I intended, because of my lack of small yellow beads. I am going to change that though... yellow is now on my shopping list.  It is actually almost 5 inches tall... perhaps something better hung in a window that on my neck? 

I will not be posting it on Jubillie unless someone just sees it here and wants it. This was really more an exercise for me.     

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